From what feels like the moment I’ve graduated, so let’s say a year or so, I have been struggling with my skin with on-and-off breakouts and acne scarring.
I’ve received so many comments and advice (from literally every single person I’ve encountered) that it shows how personal skincare is.
“No but reeeeally. This is like the magic fix-all”.
Truth is, there is not one solution. With climate change, hormonal imbalance and pollution, it takes commitment to keep your skin glowing.
Water helps. And probably your family favourite moisturiser. But no amount of water can wash away the stress, low energy and tiredness.
These were co-incidentally the three boxes I’ve ticked on the consultation card upon my visit at Ilapothecary. Minus the stressed because it’s stress. I think both “Low Energy” and “Overtired” are pretty self-explanatory.
My mum chuckled when I stated stress as a valid reason to the dermatologist. I suppose I needed more veg, or water.
Following the swift consultation at what feels like a living room of a Notting Hill townhouse, I was whisked away into the treatment room.
Ilapothecary focuses on energy healing through remedial ingredients. As a millennial who works in front of a digital screen around the clock, I naturally opted for the ‘Digital Detox Facial Therapy’ - a treatment that focuses on dry eyes, blurred vision, clenched muscles and shoulder stiffness.
The treatment focuses on combating the harmful effects of blue light. Firstly, the house favourite Warming Anti-Breakout Face Mask is used to combat the harmful effects of blue light on the skin, Aura Day Cream to protect and Digital Face Mist to refresh and hydrate the skin.’
Every remedy at Ilapothecary is detailed by numerology - from Remedy °1 (confidence, featuring the edible SOS Pearl Drops to combat anxiety) to °27 (self-belief and positive environment, featuring the Beat The Blues range). The scent from this particular range is so distinct that its room spray has won the Psychologies 2018 #realnatural awards. My personal favourite? The Shower and Bath Oil. Even if it does not beat your Monday blues, the alchemical blend of essential oils will for sure leave your body moisturised during the Winter season.
Book your Ilapothecary appointment on your next trip visit to London here.